Q1. What is Google wave?
Ans: - Google wave is a new technology playground by Google where you can do everything just like you do on Orkut, Gmail or any social networking website.
Q2. Why is it called wave?
Ans: - Wave is basically a frequency termed, as Google believes that users can do something with content they post, like you post something on BlogSpot, and you get comments but when you intend to create a blog with more than one user, and then maybe you need to allow multiple people to edit the same blog to add their suggestions, so just to make sure one wave can be edited and posted by multiple people you can share your content with fellow users who will add their suggestions or postings.
Q3. How do I create a wave?
Ans :- Creating a wave is simple just click on the new wave link and a new page opens in editable format, you can start writing anything you interest to write, and add users to view or make changes to that wave.
Q4. What does it means replaying a wave, what is the reply button doing?
Ans :- Replay a way means showing all the states of wave, for example person A creates a wave with content “can we come to office at 9:30 tomorrow ?”, then this wave which is basically a question is shared among may be 5 people, now the first person answers the wave by replying it as “Yes I am ready to come” and consecutively the other four people do the same thing, now when the user who is viewing the wave clicks on replay or next & previous buttons all the entries are ordered in chronological order of their posting and you can go through an whole flow, that how this wave has come to an end.
Q5. I still don’t understand the replay & next, previous options?
Ans: - OK, let’s do it with simple example like this
I want to explain a power point presentation for making tea so here are the points I can sue by wave
1. Go to kitchen
2. Take a bowl of water
3. Turn on the burner
4. Put the bowl on the burner
5. Add 3 spoons of sugar
6. Add 2 spoons of tea powder
7. When the water starts boiling with all ingredients in it
8. Add milk to the bowl
9. Tea is ready to be served.
If I replay this wave I will get one step at a time, and this will work as a power point slide.
Q6. How do I stop following a wave?
Ans: - by clicking unfollow you can be marked out of that wave.
Q7. How do I archive a wave?
Ans: - By clicking the archive button you can move the wave to particular folder, or archive it from inbox.
Some general information about wave, by clicking the request, link you can see all requests you have received from other wave users. Also the left panel has settings where you can add various add-ons.
Wave can be used to manage events, polling, ask questions, reply as comments, get help with respective people, although you cannot directly log on to wave with your Google account, wave users can invite up to 20 users they like.
I believe that this information must be helpful to people finding it hard to understand wave, any suggestions and comments are always welcome J